Don’t think there are cheap ways to travel abroad? Think twice! If you win the lottery, imagine all the amazing things you could end up doing. Go to see cherry blossoms in Tokyo, snorkel with sea turtles in Bali, explore the hidden wonders of Machu Picchu in Peru, or get up close and personal with wildlife in Tanzania. the world seems endless

Now imagine being able to do all of this without winning the lottery. Crossing off every spot on your bucket list shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg, and, guess what: it doesn’t have to. With our budget travel tips, you can visit every corner of the globe—from the Greek Islands to Melbourne to Buenos Aires and back—on a budget that suits you. Travel is no longer just for the rich, my friends!

So, look no further; we’re here to help you navigate the ball on a budget.

Here are the 11 best ways to travel cheap

Believe it or not, there are cheap ways for students to travel. In fact, there are cheap ways to travel for everyone! With a little flexibility and a little know-how, you’ll be able to save money on travel like it’s nobody’s business. Sadly, none of these tips will get you traveling for free, but they’ll certainly help you cut costs where it matters.

1. Travel with friends

There’s no one better to share your travel adventures with than all your besties. Your group chats are already consumed with entertainment and topics of different ways to travel, so why not bring them to life? This is one of the best ways to save money when traveling because you can spread all the costs. Groceries, lodging, activities, car rentals; all of these get a lot cheaper the more people you have. Grab your friends and start planning!

2. Try Couchsurfing

Want to spend your holiday surfing on the Brazilian coastline, but can’t afford a hotel room with an ocean view? Choose another type of surfing: Couchsurfing. Locals open their doors to tourists looking for cheap places to stay. They can also tell you all about the lesser-known gems across the city: from cute hole-in-the-wall restaurants to the quietest beaches for early morning surf. You’ll gain a wealth of knowledge that hotels can’t get, and save a lot on your stay.

3. Research programs to volunteer abroad

Volunteering helps the community and the planet, and it’s good for your soul. Take your mission abroad with volunteer opportunities abroad. There are many programs and reasons, so you’re sure to find something that works for you. Not only is it a different way to travel, but it’s also great for travelers on a budget because, although you’ll usually have to pay to join the program, it will cover your lodging, meals and many other costs.

4. Find a part-time job while you’re away

Maybe budget travel isn’t for you and you’d rather live like in the movies; settling in Sydney for the summer, soaking up the sun or taking an afternoon nap in Barcelona over the Christmas break. Whatever your privilege, part-time work is a great way to fill a financial gap without sacrificing comfort or must-do activities. If you have a visa that allows you to work and you are happy to stay in one place for a period of time, discuss finding short-term positions with local temporary agencies. You’ll make some money and add some cool experience to your resume!

5. Search for budget travel destinations

“Budget” doesn’t necessarily mean “not worth a visit”! In fact, many countries with a lower cost of living can be great places to stop, get off the beaten track and save some money. Beautiful countries like Colombia, Bosnia, Portugal, Sri Lanka and many others are safe, unique and affordable places to travel, even if you go alone. In general, food, transportation, and accommodation are all cheap, so you can save money on a trip here and spend it later on pricier destinations.

6. If you’re in college (or high school!), study abroad

You might not want study abroad to be on your list of budget travel tips, but it can be done! Depending on the school and location, the price of a study abroad program may be the same as or less than a semester at your home university. Choosing one of the budget travel destinations listed above is a good place to start your search, as countries with a lower cost of living are ideal for studying abroad. There are also tons of scholarships, so it can definitely be one of the cheap ways for students to travel.

7. Living with relatives living overseas

Does your cousin live in Germany? Or maybe the fucking step-sister’s uncle’s son lives in Japan? If you have relatives living abroad, this is the perfect excuse to stop off on your budget travel adventure. You will be able to visit your family and save money on travel. We’re talking free accommodation, free meals, insider tips, and your own personal, real tour guide. It really doesn’t get any better than this!

8. Intern and gain experience abroad

Long breaks from work and study trips may not be for everyone. Therefore, an internship abroad is a great option for career-driven individuals looking for a different way to travel. The program can set you up the perfect website in any country you want, whatever duration suits you. Internships can even be an inexpensive way to travel abroad in countries like Sydney or London that aren’t exactly budget travel destinations. Despite the high program prices and cost of living, you’re gaining valuable experience and international contacts.

9. Choose the all-inclusive package

All-inclusive vacations aren’t just for grandparents cruising around the Florida Keys. From bus tours around Asia to island-hopping adventures in the Mediterranean, these plans are a great way to save money on travel, no matter your age. Likewise, choosing lesser-known locations during the off-season is your best bet for saving extra money. But even if you end up with the more expensive option, those packages are often discounted, if not fully covered.

10. Travel during off-peak hours

A summer trip to Europe might sound like a dream, but if we’re talking about cheap ways to travel the world, you’d better go during off-peak hours. Usually, that means winter or fall, depending on where you’re going. But hey, walking the snow-covered streets of Prague can’t be that bad either! Do your research; finding less popular times to visit your budget travel destination is one of the easiest ways to travel cheaply.

11. Apply for Overseas Teaching Program

Whether you have teaching experience or not, teaching abroad is an inexpensive way to get to the places you’ve always wanted to go. You can get paid a pretty good salary, learn some new skills (which will make your CV shine!), and spend a lot of time overseas. Some plans even cover your lodging, meals or airfare! If you have a passion for teaching and are willing to learn, this can be a very cheap way to travel the world.

Additional budget travel tips to help you save money

  • self-catering. Enjoying local cuisine is part of the travel experience, but it can take a serious toll on your wallet. Try grocery shopping and cook most of your meals at your accommodation and eat out only occasionally.
  • Sign up to earn frequent flyer miles. What’s the best way to combat jet lag? Know that you got your ticket for free. If you know you’ll be flying a lot when you’re out and about, signing up for frequent flyer miles early on will help you save money in the long run. They’ll also email you about any deals they’re running so you can snag even cheaper tickets!
  • Try not to use your card overseas. Foreign transaction fees can really eat your money. Talk to your bank before you go and see if they have partnerships with any foreign banks that can help cut costs. If you decide to withdraw cash at an ATM to pay for small purchases, make sure to store it in a safe place!
  • Minimalism. Travel light. It may seem impossible, but, without carrying two large suitcases, you’ll limit the amount of souvenirs and novelty items you buy because you simply won’t have room for it. That way, you can save money and only buy what you really value.
  • If you’re staying for a while, look for long-term accommodation. So, you’ve fallen in love with Venice and want to stay and work for a while? great! Avoid staying in hotels or traditional lodges, which can be expensive when you’re staying for weeks on end, and opt for longer-term lodges or shared apartments. This is a great way to meet new people without breaking the bank!

You’re ready to take on the world without taking out a loan!

If traveling the world always seemed like an impossible dream, now is the time to go. Whether you’ve wanted to visit Paris since you were twelve or you just knew you needed a vacation somewhere, everyone should travel now and then, no matter your budget. Trust us, it can be done for less money than you might expect, especially if you follow our tips.

Take your time and shop around; they may not always be easy to find, but they’re there for you. All the hard work and planning are totally worth it once you’re on that plane. Have a great holiday!

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