Türkiye Travel Tips: Things to Know Before Traveling to Türkiye


Planning to go to Türkiye? This ultimate guide to visiting Turkey will be very resourceful as it details everything you need to know before setting foot in Turkey.

Turkey is a beautiful country straddling Eastern Europe and West Asia. It can be said that it is a country where the East meets the West.

I always knew I would end up in Turkey at some point during my travels because the idea of ​​one country on two continents fascinated me. A few minutes in Europe in the morning, on a boat in Asia or on the Bosphorus bridge. how cool is that I am visiting Türkiye for the first time and I am very excited.

Do I need a visa to travel to Türkiye?

Yes, you need a visa before traveling to Türkiye. Getting a visa to Türkiye was easy, at least for me. The process depends on the type of passport you hold. I personally hold a Ugandan passport so I just submitted my e-visa application form from the Turkish embassy website, had an interview and was approved in a few days due to the urgency of the matter, but may take longer. The earlier you apply for your visa, the earlier your interview date can be scheduled. However, if you hold a European or American passport, you can buy a visa at the airport.

In addition to your visa, don’t forget to bring your yellow fever card. To enter Türkiye, you must be vaccinated against yellow fever.

Is it safe to travel to Türkiye?

Traveling to Türkiye is very safe. You might be wondering if I’m a qualified person to answer this question, and yes, I am. I traveled to Turkey in <> October 2018 and all I can say is that I never felt threatened in any way, so yes, it is very safe to travel to Turkey.

Sometimes Turkey can be an unsafe country due to past political turmoil, but people have evolved from it and are definitely safe now.

I have read some blogs that it is not safe to travel to Turkey as a woman, but I want to assure you from a woman of color perspective that I have never had any harassment from anyone, and everyone respects me, Helped out when needed and took a bunch of pictures with me.

Things to know when visiting Türkiye for the first time.

Türkiye is an Islamic country.

Turkey may not be a radically Islamic country, but it is still Islamic, with over 93% of the local population being Muslim. Turks take their Islamic faith seriously so you should not try to disrespect that part of them in any way.

This means, if you are visiting a place of worship, please cover up as a sign of respect. Do not pass in front of people who are praying. This is a sign of disrespect, as Muslims believe that prayers do not reach Allah if someone passes in front of them.

What to bring when visiting Türkiye.

Türkiye is a European country. So if you’re packing your bags, pack as you would for any European country, but don’t forget to dress decently for the place of worship.

I’ve heard a lot of people say that you should be completely covered when in Turkey, no matter how good that is, it doesn’t mean that other clothing is unacceptable.

Turkey can be a little pricey, so pack all the essentials you need for your trip and don’t spend all your money shopping.

Turkish language

Turkish is the only official language in Turkey, but other languages ​​spoken include Northern Kurdish, Arabic, Kurmanji and Zazaki, but at very low levels. English is not widely spoken in Turkey, especially outside the big cities.

One thing I’ve learned on my travels is that learning some local words increases the friendliness of the locals towards tourists. So, learn some basic Turkish words to communicate easily, or you can download Google Translator or even a dictionary to your phone to communicate more effectively.

The nice thing about Turkish is that words are read the same way they are written.

Essential Turkish words to learn before traveling to Türkiye

  • Hi – Mehaba
  • Good morning – Qunaidin
  • Good Evening – Yiyi Aksamlar
  •  thank you
  • How are you – Naxixin
  • Yes – Evitt
  • Nojok Hayle

The best sights in Türkiye.

Türkiye is an important historical country with a lot to see and do.

  • Ephesus
  • Sofia Haggia
  • blue mosque
  • Shopping in the Grand Bazaar.
  • Istanbul
  • Marmaris
  • Cappadocia

What not to do in Türkiye

  • As I said before, don’t disrespect the Islamic faith. Religion is very dear to the Turkish people.
  • Never go to any place of worship in skimpy clothes. always dress appropriately
  • You should not involve yourself in Turkish politics.
  • Don’t forget your manners when in Türkiye. Turks are generally very respectful, so try not to be disrespectful, and words like “thank you” or “sorry” are greatly appreciated.

Turkish food.

Turkey has so many dishes that even picky eaters will find something delicious. But it’s no secret that Turks love their meat, which is why if you walk by restaurants, most of them offer meat dishes along with vegetables.


Turks are big on breakfast. They agreed with the saying, “Your breakfast should be that of a king, your lunch that of a prince, and your dinner that of a slave.

A typical Turkish breakfast consists of cheese and lots of cheese and butter. olives. Olives are very famous in Turkey, so you will enjoy different kinds of olives, including green olives, black olives, or diced olives.


Turks believe in homemade dishes, but over the years they have come to accept the idea of ​​eating in restaurants and fast food restaurants.

An ideal Turkish lunch starts with a bowl of hot soup and Turkish bread, called Pide. Later the main course is different varieties of dishes followed by the famous desserts.

Türkiye is the home of Turkish cuisine. Turks have mastered the art of desserts with more than a thousand desserts and sweets.


Dinner isn’t much different than lunch, except that it’s always a little lighter.

Famous Turkish dishes you should try.

  • Koft
  • Dormer
  • Dolma
  • kebab

When is the best time to visit Turkey

You can visit any time of the year, but the best months to visit Turkey are May to September. This is when the weather is at its best in Turkey, and it’s no surprise that this is when most people visit Turkey. If you love the outdoors, it’s best to visit Türkiye during the summer months.

Traffic in Türkiye.

I may not have been to that many cities in the world, but I find Turkey to be very organized when it comes to transportation. Public transportation is almost as good as private transportation. Public buses and boats are very efficient, clean and cheap. The yellow taxis are also super comfortable.

Turkish people keep time in everything, even in transportation. If the bus/boat leaves at 12:30 pm, if you show up at 12:32 pm, you miss it and you will need to wait for the next one.

You can also opt for a private taxi or Uber.

If you are in Istanbul, use a transport card called Istanbul Kart (Istanbul Card). It can be used on public buses and ships, and ferries. The Istanbul Card costs 10 TL, is non-refundable and can be purchased from major stations such as airports, bus, train and boat stations. You can top up your Istanbul Card with credit/cash from the machines located at all major stations.

The advantage of using the Istanbul Card is that you can get discounts of up to 40% and can be used to pay for all public transport. Not limited to one person, up to 5 people can use this card. In fact, most public transport no longer accept cash, but Istanbul Kart.

Turkish currency

The Turkish lira is the official currency of Türkiye. Euros and U.S. dollars are also accepted, although the euro has more power in Turkey than the U.S. dollar.

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